Charli Mclnturff ‘23 If covid wasn’t hard enough for some people at least we have a cold winter to look forward to. Especially on the east coast, we’ve experienced more “winter” than…
Category: Hustle & Bustle
Hustle and Bustle: Dear Addy
DEAR ADDY: Greetings from May! At last! ‘Tis May! I love May!! What do I love about May? Everything about May. My aunt was born in May. May Day, my hands down…
Faces in the Crowd How are you celebrating Earth Day? If you had to get one item from your room at school, what would you get? What would you name your vlogging…
Faces in the Crowd Describe your go-to quarantine outfit. What is your favorite quarantine meal/snack? What do you miss most about the dining hall? What is (are) your new found talent(s)? Sweatpants…